
5 Critical Mistakes to Avoid When Guest Posting and How to Easily Correct Them 

5 Completely Avoidable Author Website Mistakes That Cost You Fans (And Simple Ways to Fix Them)


As an author, your website serves as the foundation for your online presence. It’s where readers go to learn more about you and your work, and it’s often the first impression they have of you as an author. Unfortunately, many authors make avoidable mistakes on their websites that end up costing them fans. In this article, we will explore five common website mistakes that authors make and provide simple ways to fix them. By addressing these mistakes, you can attract more fans, engage readers, and ultimately increase your success as an author.

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1. Neglecting to showcase your personality:

One of the biggest mistakes authors make on their websites is neglecting to showcase their unique personality.

Your website should reflect your voice and brand as an author. It’s your opportunity to make a memorable impression on readers, so don’t be shy about letting your personality shine through. Use engaging language, share personal anecdotes, and incorporate your sense of humor or quirkiness. Remember, readers are not only looking for great stories, but also a connection with the author behind them.

Fix: Take some time to evaluate your website and consider how you can infuse more of your personality into it. Consider updating your About Me page with a personal story or capturing your voice in blog posts. Add personal touches to your design, such as unique colors or fonts that reflect your style. Make your website an extension of who you are as an author.

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2. Poor navigation and organization:

Another mistake that can drive fans away from your website is poor navigation and organization.

If readers can’t easily find what they’re looking for, they will quickly become frustrated and move on. Your website should have a clear and intuitive structure that allows visitors to navigate smoothly and find the information they need. Confusing menus, broken links, and cluttered layouts can deter potential fans from exploring further.

Fix: Start by evaluating your website’s navigation menu. Is it organized logically and labeled clearly? Simplify it if necessary, and make sure all links are working. Consider adding a search bar to help visitors find specific content easily. Streamline your website’s design by removing unnecessary clutter and leaving ample white space. Remember, a well-organized website creates a positive user experience, encouraging visitors to stay and explore.

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3. Neglecting mobile responsiveness:

In today’s mobile-driven world, neglecting mobile responsiveness is a grave mistake for any author website.

With more and more people accessing websites through their smartphones and tablets, it’s crucial to ensure your website looks great and functions seamlessly across all devices. If your website is not mobile responsive, it will appear distorted, and content may be difficult to read or navigate. This can lead to high bounce rates and missed opportunities to engage readers.

Fix: Test your website’s mobile responsiveness using online tools or by simply viewing it on different devices. If it’s not responsive, consider working with a web developer to optimize your site for mobile devices. Simple improvements like resizing images, using responsive design templates, and optimizing font sizes can make a significant difference in providing a consistent experience across all devices.

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4. Lack of clear calls-to-action:

A common mistake authors make is the lack of clear calls-to-action (CTAs) on their websites.

CTAs guide readers on what action to take next, whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, purchasing a book, or following you on social media. Without compelling CTAs, readers may visit your website and leave without ever engaging further with your work. Your website should provide clear directions and incentives for readers to take the next step.

Fix: Start by identifying the key actions you want visitors to take on your website. Then, strategically place CTA buttons throughout your site, prompting readers to take those actions. Use engaging, action-oriented copy to encourage clicks. For example, instead of a generic “Subscribe,” try “Join our exclusive reader community and receive a free short story!” Remember to embed your Fiverr gig link within a prominent CTA button like the one below to encourage readers to explore your guest posts and link building services on Fiverr.

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5. Ignoring Analytics and SEO:

Ignoring analytics and SEO is a mistake that can hinder your website’s visibility and potential for success.

Analyzing website traffic and user behavior through tools like Google Analytics can provide valuable insights. By paying attention to these analytics, you can determine what content resonates with your audience and optimize your website accordingly. Additionally, incorporating SEO best practices helps search engines understand and rank your content better, increasing your chances of being discovered by new readers.

Fix: Start by setting up Google Analytics and regularly reviewing the data to identify trends and areas for improvement. Use keywords strategically in your content, headings, and meta descriptions to improve your website’s visibility in search engine results. Craft engaging and informative blog posts that naturally incorporate relevant keywords, attracting both readers and search engines. By understanding your audience’s preferences and optimizing your website for search engines, you can attract more fans and increase your online presence.

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1. How can I add personality to my author website?
The best way to add personality to your author website is by infusing your unique voice and personal experiences. Share personal anecdotes, use conversational language, and incorporate your humor or quirks throughout your content. Update your About Me page to reflect who you are as an author and engage with your readers authentically.

2. Why is mobile responsiveness important for my author website?
Mobile responsiveness is essential because more people access websites through their smartphones and tablets. If your website is not optimized for mobile devices, it will appear distorted and provide a poor user experience. This can deter potential fans from exploring further and lead to missed opportunities for engagement.

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3. How can I optimize my website for SEO?
To optimize your website for SEO, start by conducting keyword research to identify relevant keywords for your content. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your headings, content, and meta descriptions. Make sure your website’s structure and navigation are intuitive and search engine-friendly. Craft informative and engaging blog posts that naturally incorporate relevant keywords to attract both readers and search engines.


By avoiding these five completely avoidable author website mistakes and implementing the simple fixes we’ve discussed, you can save yourself from missing out on potential fans and readers. Showcase your personality, improve your website’s navigation and organization, prioritize mobile responsiveness, include clear calls-to-action, and pay attention to analytics and SEO. Remember, your author website is a powerful tool that can help you connect with your audience, build your fan base, and ultimately achieve greater success as an author.

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